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Atalis is free for buyers.
We charge the seller a reasonable transaction fee. You pay nothing.
Atalis will instantly feel and behave like any e-commerce store you’ve used before. Searching, selecting and paying works just like you’d expect.
Atalis Seller's Product
On Atalis, you know exactly what you’re getting and precisely who you’re buying from. The whole process is seamless, simple and trustworthy, from the moment you make your choice.
We insist that all products on the Atalis marketplace are batch tested for quality. And we can provide testing via our independent, European ISO 17025 and ISO 9001 accredited partner labs, for 30-50% less than current market prices.
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All we need are a few details from you. Then we can set you up as a registered Atalis buyer with an official account. You’ll be up and running in minutes.
If you’re unfamiliar with the Atalis marketplace, you may have questions. Here are some of the most common we hear.
Follow the registration link here and register using this step-by-step guide.
Step 1: Create your account by filling in your personal information, then choose a password for your Atalis account. Click Next
Step 2: Input your business details into the fields, including your company registration number and VAT. Click Next
Step 3: Fill in your Buyer profile information. This step is not mandatory on registration, however you will be asked to complete this step once you are registered. Click Next
Step 4: Wait for your acceptance email to start transacting on Atalis.